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Wet and Forget Indoor: Stop Mold & Mildew

I’ve got a secret, our garage has mildew.

And unfortunately, the solution will cost us thousands to fix.

For now, we have to deal with the moisture that seeps through the cinderblock.

Since my wife has bad asthma and allergies we can’t use bleach, the strong odor gives her asthma attacks.

A while back I wrote a post about using Wet and Forget Shower. I love the product because it works, is easy to use, and doesn’t have noxious chemicals to breathe. It’s made a huge difference with our tiled shower’s appearance.

So when I heard that Wet and Forget Indoor was available, I was super excited to try it.

Using Wet and Forget Indoor

In today’s video, I share why you’ll love the cleaning potential in Wet and Forget Indoor and show you just how powerful it is.

You can watch the video and see how my 3-week pumpkin experiment played out.

If you’ve ever carved pumpkins you know that they turn into a moldy mess after 7 days. I sprayed our pumpkins with Wet and Forget Indoor only three times – the night we set them outside, the next day, and two days later.

I honestly forgot to spray them after a week. Then I thought, hmmm, let’s see how they do with only a few treatments.

If Wet and Forget Indoor can perform this well on an organic surface I’m sure it will help you with your home cleaning.

What’s Next

All bathrooms, kitchens, and basements are moisture havens. And as you can see in the video I mention a few spots where you can try out Wet and Forget Indoor.

I’m all about trying new cleaning methods and figured you might be, too!

If you’re doing a bathroom remodel and need help, join one of our online courses – they’ll make your bathroom renovation much easier!

Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to help.

Thanks as always for reading, watching, and being part of our awesome community.



Wet and Forget Indoor